King Huong Wong Inspired by King.H Wong

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Integrate highslide with blogger

Highslide JS is an open source image, media and gallery viewer written in JavaScript. It is easy to integrate Highslide with any website or blog. These are some of its advantages:
  • Quick and elegant looking.
  • No plugins like Flash or Java required.
  • Popup blockers are no problem. The content opens within the active browser window.
  • Single click. After opening the image or HTML popup, the user can scroll further down or leave the page without closing it.
  • Lots of configuration options and scalability without compromizing on simplicity. A component system lets you strip away unused features down to a filesize of 10kB.
  • Outstanding, unconditional and free user support for both commercial and non-commercial users.
  • Compatibility and safe degrading. If the user has disabled JavaScript or is using an old browser, the browser redirects directly to the image itself or to a given HTML page.

Demo image:


Step 1:

Go to your blog settings -> Design -> Edit html.
Copy this code and paste before tag.

This code works only for .jpg extenstion images. if you want high slide to work with other extensions like .jpeg , .gif , others you have to add this code at the above located area right before "//insert the if condition code for other extensions like .jpeg, .gif, .png etc."
if (el.href && /\.jpeg$/.test(el.href)) {
 el.className = 'highslide';
 return 'image';
 }if  (el.href && /\.gif$/.test(el.href)) {
 el.className =  'highslide';
 return 'image';

Step 2:

this step is optional, if you don’t like to have thumbnails you don’t have to insert this. Insert this code before </body> tag.

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

How To Add Blogger Official Share Buttons

In this tutorial I will explains, how to add blogger new share buttons to your blogspot blog.This will be more helpful if your template is a highly customized blogger template.But if your template is not a blogger default template, then you have to add this share buttons editing the Blog Posts widget and enabling Show Share Buttons in Page Elements section.

If you are using a default blogspot template please follow the red squares shown in the images below.
In design page, please move your mouse to bottom where you are able to view blog posts table.

After you click the edit button, there should be a pop up window which shows some options for the blog posts. You shall see the official share buttons modified by blogger.

But if this method does not work for you,follow the steps given below to add blogger share buttons to your blog.

Blogger now offers new share buttons. The new buttons can be placed under each post and let your blog readers easily share your post via email, Blogger, and popular social networks—we now support Google Buzz, Twitter, and Facebook, and we plan to add more services in the future.
-From Blogger Buzz

1.Login to your blogger dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML

2.Click on "Expand Widget Templates"

3.Scroll down to where you see below code:
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>

4.Now Copy below "Blogger Sharing buttons" code and paste it just below the above code.

NOTE: If you can't find <div class='post-header-line-1'/>
in your template, paste "Blogger Sharing buttons" code just before <data:post.body> .

This will show blogger sharing buttons below post header.But if you want to show share buttons below blogger post,then paste your code just after <data:post.body>.

5.Now save your template and you are done.
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Friday, November 5, 2010

Password recovered

It has been a while since I last updated kicole blogspot. Nicole and I had left this site for ages until recently we tried to relogin this account. We failed because we were not only forgotten our password, we couldn't remember what is the login EMAIL!!

I tried for a couple time and I got it at last. Phew...

Anyway, looking into the codes I have put in the site years ago(only a year), I felt the urge to update the site. I seek for a new template code and I had modified it to fit Kicole blogspot. The codes are still yet to be reviewed. I do not know if Nicole will join me posting in this account, but I am here to promise you guys that I will post some interesting IT stuff when I have my free hours.

Last but not the least, an image for this post.

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